Participating artists

Maeve is a California-based scenic painter, scenic designer, artist, and muralist. Maeve has roots in scenic painting and design for theatre, which includes everything from creating textures to painting large-scale backdrops. Her work as an artist combines the colorful and abstract world of theatre with energetic line work and movement. Exploring new techniques and continuing to blur the line between scenic painting and fine art is her modus operandi.

Brenda Dominguez
Been painting for over 50 years in many different mediums, ranging from watercolor, pencil, pastel to my latest venture into fluid art. I have also been involved in murals. Taking them on like I would a small painting in my studio. Being able to share art with others is very humbling but also rewarding. Bring me more walls….

Jared Konopitski
Jared Konopitski is an artist living and working in Sacramento, California. Jared works in many mediums, however, primarily with acrylic paintings. His work has been exhibited at galleries, festivals, and museums across the US and Internationally including: The Smithsonian, Washington D.C. The Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA The Mutter Museum, Philadelphia, PA. Jared has had his work seen in: Adbusters Magazine(2023) (2018) PBS Art Showcase television show (2015 – 2017) The New Yorker (2014) Color Ink Book (2013) Papercut Magazine (2013) Arcana’s Steampunk Originals (2013) Heavy Metal Magazine (2012) Catapult Magazine (2012), DisColouring Book (2012) Penumbra eZine (2012) And Wow!cool! Psycho Nurse Calendar (2011)

Angelo Esquivel is an artist with works in design, paintings, and photography. Since his first years in the art scene, he has shown an inclination for composition using striking imagery. Angelo experiences with murals started in 2015 at the Yuba City High School where he designed and guided the painting work in a parking spot, this work was recognized for the high school, featuring it in the 2016 yearbook. After that Angelo started collaborating with Yolo Arts Council where he guided and painted with participants a collaborative piece on three wood panels 5 by 5 ft. each. In 2019 Angelo began at the Davis Food Co-op, where he developed new skills like painting in big spaces, he designed and painted the kid’s corners, and using just the brand colors he turned the kid’s corner into a modern and vibrant space. He has also painted blank walls, transforming them into useful information boards. His latest projects are the mural in the wellness counter wall at the Davis Food Co-op, and his upcoming show “Stay Tuned” a mixed media pop art fest, where he combines acrylic paintings and screenprint with recycled materials.

Liv Losee-Unger is an Oakland based muralist working under the name ORLUarts. She specializes in vibrant, colorful murals that celebrate community, honor the environment, and inspire happiness. Liv has been painting murals professionally since 2017 and started ORLUarts in January of 2021. Since then, she has been contracted for several notable large scale commissions, including partnerships with the cities of San Francisco, Sacramento and Palo Alto. You can find more about Liv and her work at or her instagram @ORLUarts.


My Dog Sighs
My Dog Sighs has been doing the unnecessary with love for close to twenty years. His style is characterized by the combination of melancholic and often naive portraiture with the use of found materials including abandoned food cans. After nearly 20 years years of giving his art away for free as part of the now infamous Free Art Friday project, My Dog Sighs has found himself strapped in to a well-deserved meteoric rise. With an incredible international following in US, Israel, Japan and of course the UK, many sold out shows under his belt, and a strong following of staunchly loyal fans on social media; My Dog Sighs is fast becoming an important figure on the contemporary art scene.

I’m a self-taught artist orginally from San Bernardino. I’ve been drawing most of my life, but i started painting in 2014. I mostly use acrylics, colored pencil, and graphite and I enjoy art with spiritual concepts.

Jesse Melanson “JMEL” is an innovator solving problems by design and empowering communities through art. His eclectic styles of work help create meaningful experiences that honor and amplify the world, and communities in which we live, work and play. Since 2017 Jesse has successfully worked with communities across the United States painting large scale public art murals and installations. Jesse’s array of diverse imaginations, work tools and painting styles are united by his motivation to use art as a catalyst towards inspiring everyone to grow, love, and recognize dreams within themselves and the universe around us.

Dylan Wasko
Started around age 17 with no idea what I was doing. Open your mind, open a book, don’t be afraid, learn from ALL experiences, and be grateful. That’s helped me along my journey. Married with 3 awesome kiddos who have inspired the recent direction I’m headed with my artwork.

My-Lien Olsson
My-Lien Olsson is an artist and art educator. Many of her artworks offer her personal twist on traditional designs, as well as figures associated with myths and fairy tales. She also draws inspiration from nature and the magic of everyday things. My-Lien studied art at UC Davis, crediting professors Mike Henderson and Wayne Thiebaud as the greatest influences on her artistic practice. She is currently a graduate student in the Ohio State University’s MA Art Education program, expecting to graduate during the summer of 2023. As an art instructor, she believes that all students should have access to culturally relevant art education.

Marianne Gonzales
I have been a maker of many things and creating art for as long as I can remember. I also love to teach and inspire others to be “makers” and think of themselves as creative. While painting and drawing have been my main means of expression I also love mixing it up a bit through creating “mixed media” pieces. You can see more of my artwork and/or contact me for commission and classes through my Facebook page, website ( or email [email protected].

Rosa Originals
Rosa Originals is a Davis, CA based artist specializing in animal portraiture. He blends passion for wildlife, welfare and acrylic painting. His work is intended to inspire thought and concern for the plight of voiceless creatures in a noisy world. Born in Watsonville, California studied fine arts at College of the redwoods, and later presented in such shows as “the Bill Murray affair” in San Francisco and “Respect” in Omaha, Nebraska. He continues to highlight beauty in the every day, natural world, documenting his experiences via paint and film photography.